Kindness #2

Hello again,

I have been exhibiting at an art fair in chelsea this last was a time to network and, be available to speak with prospective, interested people.

The idea for most of us was to sell but, really in the small area of my art space,alongside some lovely artists,we helped one another to present our work and to encourage each of us.

That is the element we all need ,encouragement, either to keep going or, to begin a new thing or direction.Love is essential in this hard,sometimes brutal world.

Encouragement fires the fuel of determination and strengthens our resolve.I experienced those wonderful qualities and i am very thankful to my new artist friends.

Art is about the creative process but, it is about an individual presenting something to be seen,touched etc.The creation is a part of us,it has our personality stamped upon it somewhere.

As we made our way home via Euston,the tube was at a standstill,particularly at south kensington station.there were so many people crammed into the entrance that it was more than dangerous,it was deadly.

Our only option,with 5 pieces of artwork, was a black cab and,dreading the cost we found one.The driver was closing for the night and dropped us on his way home for a nominal fee.Wow! kindness is spreading even in London

Thank you taxi driver you were a star.